ADHD Back by Popular Demand

ADHD_Nov_WebFollowing ongoing hit seasons of ADHD around the country, Aaron McIlroy brings his one-of-a-kind comedy riot back to the Durban stage for one week only. Catch SA’s master of character comedy on top form, as he lights up the Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre stage.

Produced by MacBob Productions, this hilarious take on the ‘problems’ of ADHD - and other ‘disturbing behavioral patterns’ - is charmingly portrayed, as Aaron takes you on a wild and whacky journey into the fantastical world of learning disorders!  Facts and theories are turned on their heads, as we get a bird’s eye view into the chaotic and beautiful mind of Aaron McIlroy, who has lived with this ‘gift’ for the last half century.  “If not exactly autobiographical, I certainly have inside information!” quips Aaron about his show.  The veteran comic’s hugely popular brand of humour has spiced up the theatre scene over several decades.

Billed as a comedic steamroller without GPS, ADHD is scripted by Aaron McIlroy and Patrick Kenny, and directed by Kenny.  Show times are 7.30pm Tuesday to Friday,  3pm and 7.30pm Saturday and 3pm Sunday. Tickets are R165 throughout (Tuesday special R120). Booking is through Computicket on 0861 915 8000 or online at .


For further information contact:

William Charlton-Perkins
Managing Director/ Head Publicist
Copy Dog
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