GPS co-ordinates: S29 52.037 E30 58.952 
The Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre is located on the Howard College Campus of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, and can be accessed through the Main Gate Entrance (1) of the campus, via Mazisi Kunene Rd ( formerly King George V Avenue). The theatre is a few meters in from the Main Gate on the left-hand side, down Theatre Lane.
For directions to the theatre or the campus, please click on the map below. Theatre patrons are permitted to park in any carpark inside the campus and down Theatre Lane (but please be advised this is a narrow and fairly steep road and it can get congested).
For a detailed street map click on the Google Maps link below:,+Berea,+Durban+Metro,+KwaZulu-Natal&view=map
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